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UPS Ground Shipments
Transit Times from Our Plant in New Jersey

Most of our products can be shipped via United Parcel Service. This map shows the typical amount of transit time required for shipments from our plant to reach your location. This map is provided only as an approximate guide. The actual time it takes your package to travel to you can vary from time shown on this map.

The UPS web site has a delivery time calculator that you can use for a more specific estimate of delivery time. For the "Origin" please enter our zip code as 07712 and our city as Asbury Park. Fill in your city, zip code and approximate package weight and click calculate. Our experience has been that these estimates are very accurate.

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Page Last Updated on 10/23/03

McLain Studios Inc.
1203 Main Street, Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712
Phone: 732-775-0271  Fax: 732-774-2250